The Precision Blog

Biopharma Manufacturing and Supply: Where Experts Predict We’re Headed

Written by Rob Maiale | Jan 31, 2024 1:56:00 PM

As biotech and pharma companies race to bring innovative new therapies to market, they face immense manufacturing hurdles that can derail development. In this insightful editorial from Scrip (subscription required), industry thought leaders offers actionable recommendations to overcome key production challenges.

Our own Anshul Mangal—leveraging his own decade plus of experience leading manufacturing for cell and gene therapy pioneers—provides unique insights on the manufacturing paradigm shifts required to deliver on the vast potential of emerging modalities.


Biotech and pharma innovators struggle to cost-effectively manufacture personalized treatments at commercial scale. Complex therapies like cell and gene treatments remain prohibitively expensive, limiting access. Manual, artisanal production processes also constrain capacity and prevent broader availability of potentially curative options for patients in need.


Drawing on leading-edge case studies, this article outlines optimized approaches to:
  • Streamline and automate processes for efficiency and scale
  • Implement closed, standardized production systems
  • Drive down costs through process intensification innovations
  • Access turnkey manufacturing solutions via creative partnerships

By putting these strategies into practice now, experts believe you can achieve the manufacturing agility and flexibility needed to translate groundbreaking science into accessible therapies that improve outcomes for patients globally.

Ready to take the first step toward overcoming your manufacturing roadblocks and bringing lifesaving treatments to patients in need?

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