The Precision Blog

Clinical Trial Trends: Cell Therapies

Written by Andy Kinley | Feb 12, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Cell therapy, with its potential to revolutionize healthcare, is a compelling area of research. It offers the promise of treating diseases at their root cause, rather than merely managing symptoms. The ability to replace, repair, or enhance cellular function opens possibilities for addressing medical needs in areas such as oncology, autoimmune disorders, and regenerative medicine. As we continue to unravel the complexities of cellular mechanisms, the potential for breakthrough therapies becomes increasingly tangible. 

This article delves into the current landscape of cell therapy research, offering a comprehensive, data-driven perspective of the oncology cell therapy clinical trial ecosystem. It highlights the extensive pipeline spanning various stages and mechanisms, underpinned by real-world data from Citeline. The discussion concludes by underscoring the historical and ongoing expertise of Precision for Medicine in the realm of cell therapy trials. 

Investigating the Landscape of Cell Therapy Trials 

Current forecasts put the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the cell therapy industry at over 17% for the forecast period of 2024-2029, and there are many factors driving that growth. Cell-based therapies are in heavy demand as chronic conditions become more prevalent, the technology evolves, and regenerative medicine is more of a focus. Allogenic therapies, which leverage a single source for treatment cells to prompt an immune response, are predicted to play a critical role. 

This section looks at the current state of cell therapy trials. We’ll provide a broad overview of the industry. 

Cell Therapy Clinical Trials by Status 

Trial status is one way to understand how the cell therapy trial landscape is growing. Here, we will look at the current research by status. This gives us an understanding of the progress in the field. Using Citeline’s Trialtrove, we can see that there are 4,565 cell therapy trials on record and over 40% of them are planned or ongoing. 


Cell Therapy Trials by Status

Annual Analysis of Cell Therapy Clinical Trials 

This section presents a year-by-year breakdown of planned and ongoing cell therapy trials. It shows how the active trial landscape has changed and grown over time. 


Planned & Ongoing Cell Therapy Trials by Start Date 

Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Geographic Distribution of Cell Therapy Trials 

Here, we show the countries and regions where cell therapy trials currently are happening around the world.  


Planned & Ongoing Cell Therapy Trials by Site Country

Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Cell Therapy Trials: A Phase-by-Phase Analysis 

This section provides a breakdown of cell therapy trials by phase showing early clinical trials making up a substantial percent of the ongoing trials. 


Planned & Ongoing Cell Therapy Trials by Phase 

Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Overview of Precision’s Expertise in Cell Therapy Research 

This section introduces Precision’s work in cell therapy research. We’ll discuss the company’s experience and achievements in the field.


Cell Therapy Trials Launched with Precision 

Here, we highlight the cell therapy trials that Precision has started. This shows the company’s active role in cell therapy research going back two decades. 


Precision for Medicine’s Cell Therapy Trials by Start Date

Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Precision’s Cell Therapy Trials Extend Worldwide 

This section shows the global reach of Precision’s cell therapy trials and our international experience. 


Precision for Medicine’s Cell Therapy Trials by Site Location

Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Precision’s Cell Therapy Clinical Trials: An Overview by Phase

This part provides a breakdown of Precision’s cell therapy clinical trials by phase which mirrors the larger industry landscape with a large focus on early phase trials.  


Precision for Medicine’s Cell Therapy Trials by Phase

Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Precision’s Cell Therapy Experience Defined

Here, we look at Precision’s experience in different areas of cell therapy. This shows the variety of expertise in cell therapy research. We start by looking at the breakdown of trials by allogeneic vs autologous. Next, we consider hematologic malignancies vs solid tumors before concluding with an overview of the number of Precision’s cell therapy trials by therapeutic area.  


Precision for Medicine’s Cell Therapy Trials, Allo v Auto  

-Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Precision for Medicine’s Cell Therapy Trials, Heme v Solid Tumor


Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Precision for Medicine’s Cell Therapy Trials by Therapeutic Area

Citeline, Trialtrove, Accessed 8 February 2024 


Trusting Precision for Your Next Cell Therapy Clinical Trial

Selecting the right partner for cell therapy trials is a crucial decision. The design and execution of these trials is nuanced, complex, and requires a high level of expertise. The regulations surrounding cell therapies are detailed and can vary by country making regulatory navigation challenging. Managing potential toxicity, logistics, study resources, and financial costs are also significant tasks.

Precision stands out in the cell therapy field, with a track record of success and industry trust. Our innovative and custom approach to cell therapy trial execution has been developed and tested over the last twenty years. We are dedicated to researching emerging and advanced cell therapy treatments. 

Explore the ways Precision is pushing the limits in cell therapy research >