The Precision Blog

Next in Gene Therapy

Written by Andy Kinley | May 19, 2023 12:25:00 PM

The Historic Beginning: A New Era in Medicine

In the crisp autumn of 1990, W. French Anderson and his team at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) embarked on a journey. They performed the first gene therapy procedure on a 4-year-old girl suffering from severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), ushering in the age of gene therapy. Since that day, the gene therapy community grew and thrived in exploring the potential of this revolutionary approach.

Today, gene therapies have captured the imagination of the scientific community, with two groundbreaking therapies gaining approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for commercial application. However, the path to progress has been fraught with obstacles and concerns. In this article, we review the current gene therapy landscape, highlighting trends and their potential implications for safety, manufacturing development, reimbursement, and payment.


The Pursuit of Perfection: Refined Vectors and Delivery Mechanisms

While gene therapy delivery mechanisms have proven safe, fatal incidents involving adeno-associated virus (AAV) viral vectors have not gone unnoticed. The gene therapy community, ever vigilant, is pioneering new vectors and delivery mechanisms in response.

The future holds the promise of tissue-specific promoters, addressing the limitations of traditional promoters that have led to complications such as under- or overexpression. Furthermore, researchers are investigating more sophisticated device delivery mechanisms, including the use of computer models to enhance the precision of vector delivery.

Simultaneously, interest is burgeoning in nonviral vectors as alternatives for larger payloads and immunogenicity reduction. Employing compatible natural or synthetic materials such as lipids, polymers, nanoparticles, and ministring DNA, nonviral vectors represent a new frontier in gene therapy.

A Prudent Path: The Phased Approach to Manufacturing

With follow-on funding for gene therapy companies dwindling, a new trend of phased manufacturing build-out is emerging to conserve capital. This measured approach begins with limited capital investment in non-Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) operations and then incrementally expands to small-scale GMP capabilities until clinical data warrants further large-scale investment.

In this evolving landscape, flexibility remains paramount. The most successful companies ensure that their facilities can adapt to accommodate various modalities and product platforms, minimizing capital expenditure and facility modifications.

A Revolution in Reimbursement: Value-Based Payment Models

As the number of gene therapies burgeons and their applications extend to prevalent diseases, concerns over healthcare affordability loom large. Consequently, value-based reimbursement and payment models have piqued the interest of stakeholders.

These innovative models link payments to outcomes, tethering the price of gene therapies to their clinical benefits. However, their implementation presents challenges due to the scarcity of long-term data and uncertainty surrounding the value of gene therapies.

Among these novel payment models are outcome-based models, pay-over-time models, and risk-sharing agreements. These approaches aim to align the interests of payers, providers, and manufacturers, while ensuring affordability and accessibility for patients


Embracing the Future of Gene Therapy

The gene therapy field stands on the precipice of a new dawn, with a burgeoning pipeline of therapies and innovations in vector design, manufacturing, and payment models. Though challenges persist, the gene therapy community remains steadfast in its pursuit of progress, striving to bring life-transforming treatments to patients in need.

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