Jelena Alexander
has not third author: true, (SizeLimitingPyMap: {main={hs_id=183222587782, hs_child_table_id=0, hs_updated_at=1732630460690, hs_published_at=1742413203456, description=Jelena Alexander brings 18 years of industry experience across the CRO, biotech and R&D arenas, with the last eight years focused on clinical operations oversight and aligning resources with project needs. Prior to transitioning to clinical research, Jelena obtained a Master’s degree in infectious disease and immunology, specializing in the development of cross-reactive and neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to foot-and-moth disease virus. Jelena is a collaborative leader recognized for fostering relationships with stakeholders to embed sustainable workflow processes and for delivering high quality outputs to ensure business needs are accomplished on time and within budget. Jelena’s expertise extends to evaluating and assessing clinical proposals, with a focus on monitoring strategies, and operational feasibility. In this role, Jelena leverages operational and leadership expertise to deliver high-quality, client-focused solutions while enhancing efficiency and sustainability in proposal strategies. Jelena is devoted to driving innovation, mentoring teams, and achieving results through adaptability and commitment to quality., avatar=Image{width=800,height=800,url='https://5014803.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/5014803/Jelena%20Alexander.jpg',altText='Jelena Alexander',fileId=183228271491}, lastname=Alexander, hs_initial_published_at=1732630470588, hs_created_by_user_id=26433386, hs_created_at=1732630317363, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Jelena, job=Senior Manager, Global Clinical Monitoring, slug=jelena-alexander, hs_updated_by_user_id=26433386}, second={}, third={}})